Morgantown Drug Possession Lawyer

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Morgantown Drug Possession Attorney

Dealing with a drug crime of any kind can be a serious, overwhelming situation that you may not be prepared to handle on your own. When it comes to drug possession, you could be facing serious consequences if convicted. That’s why it’s so important to enlist the help of an experienced drug crimes lawyer who can advocate for you and help minimize your charges or even have them dismissed entirely. Reach out to a Morgantown drug possession lawyer for a consultation.

At Crowe Law, LLC, our talented lawyer has significant experience in drug crime cases. We can build an effective, strategic defense to minimize the negative impact that drug possession charges have on your life.

Morgantown Drug Possession Lawyer

The Consequences of Drug Possession Charges

Under West Virginia state law, possession of illegal drugs is a misdemeanor that leads offenders to face 90 days to six months in jail and pay up to $1,000 in fines. However, possession with intent to deliver or manufacture can lead to much more severe consequences, including felony charges. Possession with intent to manufacture or deliver Schedule I or II controlled substances may result in up to 15 years in jail and fines of up to $25,000.

What Should You Look for in a Drug Possession Lawyer?

You will want an experienced drug crime lawyer who understands the complexities of West Virginia drug crimes and can help guide your case in the right direction. Here are some of the more important qualities you may want to consider looking for in a drug possession lawyer:

  • Significant Experience: Drug crime penalties in the state of West Virginia can be harsh, and a conviction could seriously impact your future. The stakes are high, and you will want a lawyer who understands what you are facing. Experience is incredibly valuable, and hiring a lawyer who has handled cases like yours in the past can only serve to help your case. When trying to find a lawyer who is right for you, ask them about their experience – how long they’ve been practicing, how many cases they have fought that are similar to yours, and their typical practice areas.
  • Wealth of Knowledge: While experience as a lawyer can be immeasurably helpful to your case, you will also want a lawyer with a vast reservoir of knowledge regarding drug crimes, drug laws, and the most effective defenses against a case like yours.
  • Positive Track Record: It is vitally important to have a lawyer with not only experience with cases like yours but also a positive track record of past successes in similar cases. You may feel intimidated when asking your lawyer about how many cases they’ve won, but if you hire someone who doesn’t have a good track record, your future could suffer as a result.
  • Willingness to Fight: Some lawyers may try to convince you to take a plea bargain right from the start, even if this is not the most advantageous option for your case. This legal advice might be the easiest road for that attorney, but possibly not for you. A reputable attorney should determine whether a plea deal makes sense for your case and advise you with integrity.

To fight the charges against you, you’ll need to hire someone with an eagerness and willingness to fight on your behalf. You’ll want someone who isn’t afraid to stand up for you and represent your interests above their own.


Q: How Do You Beat a Possession Charge in West Virginia?

A: There are a number of ways to beat a possession charge in West Virginia if you have an experienced lawyer. One possible way to win your case is a West Virginia state law provision called “conditional discharge.”

Conditional discharge is only available for first-time offenders. If a judge grants it to you, all court proceedings are deferred, and you are granted probation. Once the probation is completed, all charges are dropped against you, and you can apply for an expungement six months later. If you haven’t faced drug charges before, be sure to discuss this with your lawyer.

Q: What Is the Penalty for Possession of a Controlled Substance in West Virginia?

A: The penalty for possessing a controlled substance in West Virginia is lenient compared to other states. West Virginia state law classifies possession of any amount of most controlled substances as a misdemeanor for first offenders. Yet, if you are convicted of first-offense drug possession, you could face a jail sentence of up to 90 days and a fine of up to $1,000. Subsequent offenders may find their sentences doubled.

Q: Will I Face Jail Time for a Drug Possession Charge in West Virginia?

A: Yes, there is a chance you could face jail time for a drug possession charge in West Virginia. However, if you are a first-time offender, there is also a good chance you could be given a lesser charge. First-time offenders may be charged with a misdemeanor for possession but could have the case dropped if offered a conditional discharge by the judge.

Q: What Is the Code for Drug Possession in West Virginia?

A: The code for drug possession under West Virginia state law is §60A-4-401. It effectively states that no person will intentionally possess an illegal drug unless they have a valid prescription or are a doctor performing their duties.

Furthermore, it declares that anybody who is convicted of possession of a controlled substance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, be fined up to $1,000, and be imprisoned for a possible 90-day to six-month sentence.

Reach Out for Help From a Drug Possession Lawyer Today

Facing a drug possession charge can be terrifying if you don’t know how to defend yourself or how to fight the charges against you. That’s why speaking to a lawyer with experience helping people with possession charges is so important. The legal team at Crowe Law, LLC, can help you develop your defense and build a case that can help you fight the possession charge or result in a dismissal of the charges altogether. Reach out to speak to a valued team member and learn how we can help.


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