Kingwood DUI Lawyer

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Kingwood DUI Attorney

Driving under the influence (DUI) of alcohol or illicit drugs brings significant danger to yourself, your passengers, and others on the road. To protect residents and visitors, West Virginia has strict laws and penalties surrounding DUI offenses. If you or a loved one are experiencing the stressful aftermath of handling a DUI charge, then it is crucial to the success of your case that you consult with a trusted Kingwood DUI lawyer as soon as possible.

At Crowe Law, LLC, we work with diligence and compassion to provide you with the highest quality of legal representation. Our team approaches each unique case with the personalized attention required to ensure that your rights are protected, that you understand the full implications of the charges set against you, and that you obtain the most favorable outcome possible.

kingwood dui lawyer

DUI in West Virginia

DUIs in West Virginia are defined as instances where a person operating a motor vehicle is under the influence of alcohol or other illegal substances.

Most DUIs are associated with drinking alcohol. To be charged with DUI for alcohol, a driver must have a blood alcohol content (BAC) of .08% or higher. If the driver is under 21, their BAC may not exceed .02%. If a driver’s BAC is above .15%, they could be charged with aggravating circumstances which could increase the penalties they could receive.

Drivers who choose to operate their vehicle under the influence of prescription medications or illicit drugs could also be charged with DUI. Both alcohol and drugs impair a driver’s ability to respond to changes in road conditions as well as to the traffic conditions created by other drivers.

Common DUI Defense Strategies

Being charged with a DUI offense can be extremely stressful and carry significant repercussions both legally and personally. Due to the severity that DUIs pose to you, your passengers, and other drivers, West Virginia has strict DUI laws and penalties in place. However, there are a handful of ways that an experienced DUI lawyer can help you when it comes to constructing a strong defense case on your behalf. Common defenses include:

  • Failure to prove a traffic violation. DUI stop must first begin with law enforcement observing a moving violation. This could be exceeding the speed limit, improperly changing lanes, running a traffic signal, or more. If this did not occur, any subsequent actions could be inadmissible.
  • Breathalyzer errors. Errors being made during the administration of the breathalyzer test, which is used to test for the driver’s BAC levels, are not uncommon. Oftentimes during the test, equipment can malfunction or have faulty calibration.
  • Training errors. Law enforcement may conduct field sobriety tests on the side of the road during the traffic stop. Many of these tests are subjective and could yield different results from different officers depending on the training they received. If an officer was not properly trained, they could draw improper conclusions.

These are just a few ways that your attorney could challenge the conclusions of your charges. There are, however, many additional strategies that could be implemented based on the circumstances of your case. Our team will work with you to help build the right defense. To do this, we will thoroughly investigate your case and look for any inconsistencies or situations where there may have been a violation of your basic rights.

As we build your defense, we will negotiate with the prosecution. In some circumstances, it may be better for your attorney to negotiate a plea deal with the prosecution to reduce or even dismiss the charges filed against you.


How Long Does It Take for A DUI to Come Off Your Record In West Virginia?

In Kingwood, West Virginia, DUI convictions will typically remain on your driving record for ten years. However, first-time offenders may be able to qualify for expungement or the state’s DUI deferral program. These options could keep a DUI off your record or have it later removed. The amount of time it may take for your DUI to be removed is a matter of circumstance, and your attorney can help you navigate this timeline.

How Long Does A DUI Affect Your Insurance In West Virginia?

The amount of time a DUI affects your insurance is a combination of state law, the insurance company, and the circumstances of your case. If you have aggravating circumstances, for example, you may experience a longer period in which higher premiums may be charged. Speaking with your attorney can help to identify how long your insurance may be impacted.

What Is the Second Chance Law In West Virginia?

The Second Chance Law in West Virginia allows qualifying individuals who have been previously convicted of certain nonviolent crimes the chance to have their felony conviction reduced to a misdemeanor once they have met the minimum waiting period or after the sentence has expired. The purpose of the law is to help improve employment opportunities for those who have been previously convicted of nonviolent crimes.

What Is the West Virginia Second Chance Driving Program?

The West Virginia Second Chance Driving License Program was enacted to provide people who have had their driver’s license revoked and are struggling with financial hardships the opportunity to use their car in limited situations This could include commuting to work to earn the money needed to pay off their court-mandated fines and other debts.

Kingwood DUI Lawyer

The repercussions following a DUI conviction can be incredibly difficult. However, you do not have to go through it alone. Whether you’re a first-time offender or someone facing subsequent charges, you have the right to experienced legal representation and a sound defense on your behalf.

At Crowe Law, LLC, our team has firsthand experience handling criminal defense and DUI-related cases in the great state of West Virginia. We understand precisely what it takes to assemble an aggressive and robust defense strategy that is built toward protecting your rights throughout the entire legal process and optimizing the outcome of your unique case. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation with our team.

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