Clarksburg Criminal Defense Lawyer

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Clarksburg Criminal Defense Attorney

When facing charges of unlawful activity, one of the smartest choices you can make to protect your rights and give yourself a fair chance is to consult with a committed Clarksburg criminal defense lawyer.

A defense attorney is there to speak on your behalf in all legal proceedings, including within the courtroom. It’s wise to allow a qualified and trained legal professional to conduct an investigation into your case, develop a strong defense, and negotiate for you.

Clarksburg Criminal Defense Lawyer

Different Criminal Charges We Provide Qualified Defense For

Our defense attorneys have handled countless cases with widely varying circumstances. Whether a defendant is facing their first criminal charge or has a complicated history of prior convictions when they were arrested, we are well prepared to do the work. These are some of the unlawful violations we have experience representing clients against:

  • Assault and battery. These are two different crimes that are frequently charged in tandem. Assault is effectively the threat of harm or attempting to incite violence. Battery is the physical act of making contact itself, meant to intentionally provoke, insult, or inflict harm against another person.Offenses include simple assault, aggravated assault, and sexual assault. Malicious assault, or assault with a deadly weapon, includes cutting, stabbing, shooting, or otherwise wounding a person. Threats or inflicted harm may be verbal, physical, or sexual.
  • Conspiracy. This criminal offense is often associated with organized crime. It entails the planning or organizing of an unlawful act. To be charged with conspiracy, an actual or attempted crime does not need to be present.
  • Criminal enterprise. Crimes include RICO (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act) violations such as extortion, racketeering, obstruction of justice, forgery, embezzlement, etc.
  • Domestic violence includes various forms of abusive acts, which may be verbal, psychological, physical, or sexual. Domestic violence and abuse can be committed by a spouse, domestic partner, child, parent, or other members of a household.
  • Drug violations, including possession of an illicit substance and drug trafficking.
  • DUIs. Operating a motor vehicle while impaired by the effects of alcohol, illegal drugs, abused or non-prescribed prescription medications, or other illicit substances.
  • Firearms violations encompass charges for carrying a weapon into a prohibited area, possession of a firearm by someone legally prohibited from having a gun, and the ownership or use of an illegal weapon, among others.
  • Kidnapping, including abduction by a stranger or abduction by a parent of a minor child, against a court-order custody agreement.
  • Manslaughter and murder (homicide). Murder is the intentional killing of another person, and manslaughter involves causing the accidental or unintentional death of someone.
  • Theft, including petty theft or shoplifting, burglary, robbery, fraud, and larceny.

What Does a Criminal Defense Attorney Do to Help Me?

Your defense attorney is there to represent you in all legal proceedings, present a defense argument and speak on your behalf in court, advise you on your options and the potential consequences of a criminal conviction, and guide you through every step of the case. A criminal defense lawyer is educated, trained, and experienced in the numerous, specific—and often complex—laws regarding the criminal charges against you.

With a deep understanding and familiarity with the procedures of the criminal court process, your attorney can effectively use the knowledge and resources at their disposal to craft a defense that’s tailored to you and the circumstances at hand. An adept defense attorney knows how to investigate the details of a case, which defense strategies may be ideal, and what’s needed to negotiate less severe charges or obtain a lesser sentence.


How Much Does a Criminal Defense Lawyer Cost in WV?

The cost of a criminal defense lawyer in WV can vary depending on the law firm you go to, how they charge legal fees, and the experience of your defense attorney. Furthermore, the circumstances of your case will largely influence how much your lawyer may cost. The specific charges against you, how severe the offense is, your prior criminal history, and how complex the lawyer determines your case to be are all factors that can influence the potential legal fees.

Am I Able to Post Bail After Arrest?

In Clarksburg, WV, you may be able to post bail after an arrest, but the opportunity depends on the charges against you. Certain serious crimes, particularly violent offenses, may entail you being confined in jail upon arrest. In these scenarios, it’s very unlikely you’ll be able to post bail. In some cases, the bail may be purposefully set to an unreasonable amount, so it’s effectively impossible to pay it.

What Is the Punishment if I’m Convicted of a Felony in WV?

The punishment for a felony conviction depends on a specific crime, whether you have a criminal record, the severity of the offense itself, and various other factors. Felony penalties often include time in jail or prison, costly fines, in addition to other repercussions depending on the nature of the crime. For example, a DUI is frequently followed by a suspension or revocation of your driver’s license and possibly the installation of an ignition interlock device in your car.

Do I Need to Hire a Defense Attorney?

In the state, you are not required by law to hire a defense attorney for any case. However, in the vast majority of cases, it is highly advised that you consult with an experienced and qualified legal professional. Retaining a lawyer with practical experience in representing defendants for the type of charge against you can be incredibly beneficial and the ideal choice for obtaining the most favorable outcome possible for your case.

Take Action Early and Speak with a Prepared Defense Lawyer

At Crowe Law, LLC, our criminal defense team has years of practical experience in and out of court. Our attorneys have represented clients from all walks of life as they face criminal charges and adeptly advised them as they underwent the overwhelming process. Contact our office today to speak with a competent and understanding defense attorney about your situation.

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