Morgantown Domestic Violence Lawyer

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Morgantown Domestic Violence Attorney

Being charged with domestic violence crimes in West Virginia can have serious consequences, and it requires a strong legal defense to fight the charges. If you have been charged with domestic abuse or other domestic violence crimes, or you have a protective order against you, it is important to get in touch with a Morgantown domestic violence lawyer as soon as possible.

At Crowe Law, LLC, our small and dedicated firm has a multitude of experience working with domestic violence cases in Morgantown, West Virginia. Our defense attorney realizes the grave impact that such charges can have on an alleged defendant and their family, such as losing contact with or parental rights to their children. If you are facing domestic violence charges, our firm can help defend your case and protect your rights.

Domestic Violence in Morgantown, West Virginia

Domestic violence usually occurs within the intimate setting of the home, and it can be inflicted by one person on their spouse, domestic partner, children, or other family members within the home. Such violence can be verbal, physical, or sexual.

Verbal domestic violence can commonly lead to a person being psychologically abused, which can involve insults, financial control, control of movement and actions, and threats to their safety. Physical domestic violence involves the physical harm of the victim of domestic violence, and it can involve hitting or threatening them with a weapon.

Sexual violence crimes within the domestic setting are serious offenses in West Virginia and, therefore, have serious associated penalties. If you are facing charges for West Virginia domestic sexual violence, the attorney at Crowe Law, LLC, can help you work toward getting your charges reduced or dropped. We can ensure that your rights are protected. If you need domestic violence help, our experienced team is here for you.

West Virginia Restraining Orders

A West Virginia protective order is a legal arrangement that is ordered by the courts to protect one or more individuals who are facing imminent danger. There are instances, however, in which it unnecessarily keeps loved ones from being able to see each other. Violating a restraining order can be punished with large fines and potential time in prison.

If a spouse or partner puts a restraining order on you, you may lose visitation rights to your children for the length of the restraining order, and this time could potentially increase even more if you do not contest the order in court. In addition to this, you may also be required to leave the home that you were staying in.

A protective order can appear on any background check that might be run on you in the future. This means that you could be blocked from any housing or professional opportunities that may arise. If you have a restraining order against you, our domestic violence lawyer Patrick Crowe, can help you defend your rights to your family, your home, and your reputation.

Emergency Restraining Orders

Temporary, or emergency, restraining orders are quickly ordered by judges in West Virginia without a long bureaucratic process. This enables people who are potentially in danger to be quickly protected. It’s important to note that evidence is typically not required for a temporary restraining order in West Virginia.

However, it’s important to keep in mind that you have the right to formal legal procedures before the instatement of a permanent protective order. If you have a temporary restraining order against you, it’s important to quickly get in touch with an experienced defense attorney so that you can defend yourself and your rights.

What Should I Do If I’m Served with a West Virginia Protective Order?

A domestic abuse petition must be filed against you before you can be served with a restraining order. To get the restraining order dropped, you will need to show evidence that refutes the claims that were made against you in the petition. To build up a strong defense for a domestic violence case in West Virginia, you should begin collecting this evidence as soon as you are aware of the restraining order.

When you are collecting evidence for your case, you should take photos and videos that show the truth of what happened. Other evidence can include physical objects, such as the alleged weapon. Furthermore, collecting digital records and data can support your counterargument as well. These can include phone records, conversations via email or text, and geolocation data of phones and other devices.

Witnesses can also provide credible testimony in your domestic violence case. Therefore, it’s important to collect the full names and contact information of any witnesses who can provide the truth for your case. If necessary and applicable, they may be requested by your attorney to testify in court.

Optimal evidence can prove that either:

  • You were not capable of committing the alleged crime.
  • You were not there at the time and place of the crime.
  • You did not commit the alleged crime.

The domestic violence attorney at Crowe Law, LLC, can help you by collecting and analyzing optimal evidence for your case.

What Should I Not Do If I’m Served with a West Virginia Protective Order?

After being charged with a restraining order due to a domestic violence petition, it’s important to avoid contact with the alleged victim or the individual who filed the order. Even if you think that you may be able to reason or negotiate with them, this is technically against the law and can result in more serious consequences.

It’s also important to avoid contacting their close family or friends, especially if they are involved in the domestic situation that you are being ordered to distance yourself from. Even though it may be extremely difficult to be separated from your loved ones, it’s important to maintain this distance for the time being, so as not to jeopardize your case. This also holds true if the alleged victim reaches out to you directly. You should not reciprocate or respond under any conditions.

Protect Your Rights, Reputation, and Family in West Virginia

If you have been charged with domestic violence in Morgantown, West Virginia, and you are facing being temporarily or permanently separated from your loved ones as a result, the legal team at Crowe Law, LLC, can assist you. Contact our attorney today to start discussing your case and building your defense.

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